PLC : SESSION 9 (Object Oriented Programming)

Object Oriented Programming

The concept of object-oriented programming had its roots in SIMULA 67 but was not fully developed until the evolution of Smalltalk resulted in Smalltalk 80 (in 1980, of course). Indeed, some consider Smalltalk to be the base model for a purely object-oriented programming language. A language that is object oriented must provide support for three key language features, those are abstract data types, inheritance, and dynamic binding of method calls to methods.


Inheritance offers a solution to both the modification problem posed by abstract data type reuse and the program organization problem. If a new abstract data type can inherit the data and functionality of some existing type, and is also allowed to modify some of those entities and add new entities, reuse is greatly facilitated without requiring changes to the reused abstract data type. Programmers can begin with an existing abstract data type and design a modified descendant of it to fit a new problem requirement. Furthermore, inheritance provides a framework for the definition of hierarchies of related classes that can reflect the descendant relationships in the problem space.

Object-Oriented Concepts

The abstract data types in object-oriented languages, following the lead of SIMULA 67, are usually called classes. As with instances of abstract data types, class instances are called objects. A class that is defined through inheritance from another class is a derived class or subclass. A class from which the new class is derived is its parent class or superclass. The subprograms that define the operations on objects of a class are called methods. The calls to methods are sometimes called messages. The entire collection of methods of an object is called the message protocol, or message interface, of the object.

There are three differences between parent class and its subclasses, those are the parent class can define some of its variables or methods to have private access, which means they will not be visible in the subclass, the subclass can add variables and/or methods to those inherited from the parent class, and the subclass can modify the behavior of one or more of its inherited methods.

Classes can have two kinds of methods and two kinds of variables. The most commonly used methods and variables are called instance methods and instance variables. Every object of a class has its own set of instance variables, which store the object’s state. The only difference between two objects of the same class is the state of their instance variables. Class variables belong to the class, rather than its object, so there is only one copy for the class.

For example, if we wanted to count the number of instances of a class, the counter could not be an instance variable—it would need to be a class variable. Class methods can perform operations on the class, and possibly also on the objects of the class. If a new class is a subclass of a single parent class, then the derivation process is called single inheritance. If a class has more than one parent class, the process is called multiple inheritance.

Dynamic Binding

Polymorphism is a natural part of any object-oriented language that is statically typed. In a sense, polymorphism makes a statically typed language a little bit dynamically typed, where the little bit is in some bindings of method calls to methods. The type of a polymorphic variable is indeed dynamic. A polymorphic variable can be defined in a class that is able to reference (or point to) objects of the class and objects of any of its descendants.

When a class hierarchy includes classes that override methods and such methods are called through a polymorphic variable, the binding to the correct method will be dynamic. Allows software systems to be more easily extended during both development and maintenance. An abstract method is one that does not include a definition (it only defines a protocol). An abstract class is one that includes at least one virtual method. An abstract class cannot be instantiated.

Design Issues for Object Oriented Programming Languages

There are eight design issues for object oriented programming languages, those are the exclusivity of objects; are subclasses subtypes?; type checking and polymorphism; single and multiple inheritance; object allocation and deallocation; dynamic and static binding; nested classes; and initialization of objects.

The Exclusivity of Objects

One alternative to the exclusive use of objects that is common in imperative languages to which support for object-oriented programming has been added is to retain the complete collection of types from a traditional imperative programming language and simply add the object typing model. Another alternative to the exclusive use of objects is to have an imperative style type structure for the primitive scalar types, but implement all structured types as objects. This choice provides the speed of operations on primitive values that is comparable to those expected in the imperative model.

Are Subclasses Subtypes?

The issue here is relatively simple: Does an “is-a” relationship hold between a derived class and its parent class? From a purely semantics point of view, if a derived class is a parent class, then objects of the derived class must expose all of the members that are exposed by objects of the parent class. At a less abstract level, an is-a relationship guarantees that in a client a variable of the derived class type could appear anywhere a variable of the parent class type was legal, without causing a type error. Moreover, the derived class objects should be behaviorally equivalent to the parent class objects.

Single and Multiple Inheritance

Another simple issue is: Does the language allow multiple inheritance (in addition to single inheritance)? Maybe it’s not so simple. The purpose of multiple inheritance is to allow a new class to inherit from two or more classes. Because multiple inheritance is sometimes highly useful, why would a language designer not include it? The reasons lie in two categories: complexity and efficiency.

Allocation and Deallocation of Objects

There are two design questions concerning the allocation and deallocation of objects. The first of these is the place from which objects are allocated. If they behave like the abstract data types, then perhaps they can be allocated from anywhere. This means they could be allocated from the run-time stack or explicitly created on the heap with an operator or function, such as new. If they are all heap dynamic, there is the advantage of having a uniform method of creation and access through pointer or reference variables.

This design simplifies the assignment operation for objects, making it in all cases only a pointer or reference value change. It also allows references to objects to be implicitly dereferenced, simplifying the access syntax. The second question here is concerned with those cases where objects are allocated from the heap. The question is whether deallocation is implicit, explicit, or both. If deallocation is implicit, some implicit method of storage reclamation is required. If deallocation can be explicit, that raises the issue of whether dangling pointers or references can be created.

Dynamic and Static Binding

The question here is whether all binding of messages to methods is dynamic. The alternative is to allow the user to specify whether a specific binding is to be dynamic or static. The advantage of this is that static bindings are faster. So, if a binding need not be dynamic, why pay the price?

Nested Classes

The class in which the new class is nested is called the nesting class. The most obvious design issues associated with class nesting are related to visibility. Specifically, one issue is: Which of the facilities of the nesting class are visible in the nested class? The other main issue is the opposite: Which of the facilities of the nested class are visible in the nesting class?

Initialization of Objects

The initialization issue is whether and how objects are initialized to values when they are created. This is more complicated than may be first thought. The first question is whether objects must be initialized manually or through some implicit mechanism. When an object of a subclass is created, is the associated initialization of the inherited parent class member implicit or must the programmer explicitly deal with it.

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