PLC : SESSION 13 (Logic Programming Languages)

Logic Languages

Programming that uses a form of symbolic logic as a programming language is often called logic programming, and languages based on symbolic logic are called logic programming languages, or declarative languages. The syntax of logic programming languages is remarkably different from that of the imperative and functional languages. The semantics of logic programs also bears little resemblance to that of imperative-language programs. These observations should lead the reader to some curiosity about the nature of logic programming and declarative languages.

Predicate Calculus

A proposition can be thought of as a logical statement that may or may not be true. It consists of objects and the relationships among objects. Formal logic was developed to provide a method for describing propositions, with the goal of allowing those formally stated propositions to be checked for validity. Symbolic logic can be used for the three basic needs of formal logic: to express propositions, to express the relationships between propositions, and to describe how new propositions can be inferred from other propositions that are assumed to be true.


The simplest propositions, which are called atomic propositions, consist of compound terms. A compound term is one element of a mathematical relation, written in a form that has the appearance of mathematical function notation.

Causal Form

Clausal form, which is a relatively simple form of propositions, is one such standard form. All propositions can be expressed in clausal form. The right side of a clausal form proposition is called the antecedent. The left side is called the consequent because it is the consequence of the truth of the antecedent.

Predicate Calculus and Proving Theorems

Predicate calculus provides a method of expressing collections of propositions. One use of collections of propositions is to determine whether any interesting or useful facts can be inferred from them. This is exactly analogous to the work of mathematicians, who strive to discover new theorems that can be inferred from known axioms and theorems. Resolution is an inference rule that allows inferred propositions to be computed from given propositions, thus providing a method with potential application to automatic theorem proving. Resolution was devised to be applied to propositions in clausal form. Theorem proving is the basis for logic programming. Much of what is computed can be couched in the form of a list of given facts and relationships as hypotheses, and a goal to be inferred from the hypotheses, using resolution.

Logic Programming

One of the essential characteristics of logic programming languages is their semantics, which is called declarative semantics. The basic concept of this semantics is that there is a simple way to determine the meaning of each statement, and it does not depend on how the statement might be used to solve a problem. Programming in both imperative and functional languages is primarily procedural, which means that the programmer knows what is to be accomplished by a program and instructs the computer on exactly how the computation is to be done. Programming in a logic programming language is nonprocedural. Programs in such languages do not state exactly how a result is to be computed but rather describe the form of the result.


Alain Colmerauer and Phillippe Roussel at the University of Aix-Marseille, with some assistance from Robert Kowalski at the University of Edinburgh, developed the fundamental design of Prolog. Colmerauer and Roussel were interested in natural-language processing, and Kowalski was interested in automated theorem proving. The collaboration between the University of Aix-Marseille and the University of Edinburgh continued until the mid-1970s. Since then, research on the development and use of the language has progressed independently at those two locations, resulting in, among other things, two syntactically different dialects of Prolog.

The development of Prolog and other research efforts in logic programming received limited attention outside of Edinburgh and Marseille until the announcement in 1981 that the Japanese government was launching a large research project called the Fifth Generation Computing Systems (FGCS; Fuchi, 1981; Moto-oka, 1981). One of the primary objectives of the project was to develop intelligent machines, and Prolog was chosen as the basis for this effort. The announcement of FGCS aroused in researchers and the governments of the United States and several European countries a sudden strong interest in artificial intelligence and logic programming.

After a decade of effort, the FGCS project was quietly dropped. Despite the great assumed potential of logic programming and Prolog, little of great significance had been discovered. This led to the decline in the interest in and use of Prolog, although it still has its applications and proponents.

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PLC : SESSION 12 (Functional Programming Languages)

Functional Language

The design of the imperative languages is based directly on the von Neumann architecture. The design of the functional languages is based on mathematical functions. The functional programming paradigm, which is based on mathematical functions, is the design basis of the most important nonimperative styles of languages. This style of programming is supported by functional programming languages. One of the fundamental characteristics of programs written in imperative languages is that they have state, which changes throughout the execution process. This state is represented by the program’s variables.

Mathematical Language

A mathematical function is a mapping of members of one set, called the domain set, to another set, called the range set. A function definition specifies the domain and range sets, either explicitly or implicitly, along with the mapping. The mapping is described by an expression or, in some cases, by a table. Functions are often applied to a particular element of the domain set, given as a parameter to the function. Note that the domain set may be the cross product of several sets (reflecting that there can be more than one parameter).

A function yields an element of the range set. One of the fundamental characteristics of mathematical functions is that the evaluation order of their mapping expressions is controlled by recursion and conditional expressions, rather than by the sequencing and iterative repetition that are common to the imperative programming languages. Another important characteristic of mathematical functions is that because they have no side effects and cannot depend on any external values, they always map a particular element of the domain to the same element of the range.

Functional Forms

A higher-order function, or functional form, is one that either takes one or more functions as parameters or yields a function as its result, or both. One common kind of functional form is function composition, which has two functional parameters and yields a function whose value is the first actual parameter function applied to the result of the second. Apply-to-all is a functional form that takes a single function as a parameter.

The First Functional Programming Language

Many functional programming languages have been developed. The oldest and most widely used is LISP (or one of its descendants), which was developed by John McCarthy at MIT in 1959. Studying functional languages through LISP is somewhat akin to studying the imperative languages through Fortran: LISP was the first functional language, but although it has steadily evolved for half a century, it no longer represents the latest design concepts for functional languages.

In addition, with the exception of the first version, all LISP dialects include imperative-language features, such as imperative-style variables, assignment statements, and iteration. (Imperative-style variables are used to name memory cells, whose values can change many times during program execution.) Despite this and their somewhat odd form, the descendants of the original LISP represent well the fundamental concepts of functional programming and are therefore worthy of study.


The Scheme language, which is a dialect of LISP, was developed at MIT in the mid-1970s (Sussman and Steele, 1975). It is characterized by its small size, its exclusive use of static scoping, and its treatment of functions as first-class entities. As first-class entities, Scheme functions can be the values of expressions, elements of lists, passed as parameters, and returned from functions.

A Scheme interpreter in interactive mode is an infinite read-evaluate-print loop (often abbreviated as REPL). It repeatedly reads an expression typed by the user (in the form of a list), interprets the expression, and displays the resulting value. Scheme includes primitive functions for the basic arithmetic operations.

Defining Function

A Scheme program is a collection of function definitions. Consequently, knowing how to define these functions is a prerequisite to writing the simplest program. In Scheme, a nameless function actually includes the word LAMBDA, and is called a lambda expression. Lambda is a nameless function that returns the square of its given numeric parameter. This function can be applied in the same way that named functions are: by placing it in the beginning of a list that contains the actual parameters.

Output Function

Scheme includes a few simple output functions, but when used with the interactive interpreter, most output from Scheme programs is the normal output from the interpreter, displaying the results of applying EVAL to top-level functions. Scheme includes a formatted output function, PRINTF, which is similar to the printf function of C. Note that explicit input and output are not part of the pure functional programming model, because input operations change the program state and output operations have side effects. Neither of these can be part of a pure functional language.

Control Flow

Scheme uses three different constructs for control flow: one similar to the selection construct of the imperative languages and two based on the evaluation control used in mathematical functions. The Scheme two-way selector function, named IF, has three parameters: a predicate expression, a then expression, and an else expression.

List Functions

Scheme programs are interpreted by the function application function, EVAL. When applied to a primitive function, EVAL first evaluates the parameters of the given function. This action is necessary when the actual parameters in a function call are themselves function calls, which is frequently the case.

In some calls, however, the parameters are data elements rather than function references. When a parameter is not a function reference, it obviously should not be evaluated. We were not concerned with this earlier, because numeric literals always evaluate to themselves and cannot be mistaken for function names.

Predicate Functions

Scheme has three fundamental predicate functions, EQ?, NULL?, and LIST?, for symbolic atoms and lists. The EQ? function takes two expressions as parameters, although it is usually used with two symbolic atom parameters. It returns #T if both parameters have the same pointer value—that is, they point to the same atom or list; otherwise, it returns #F. The LIST? predicate function returns #T if its single argument is a list and #F otherwise. The NULL? function tests its parameter to determine whether it is the empty list and returns #T if it is.

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PLC : SESSION 11 (Exception Handling and Event Handling)

Exception Handling

The special processing that may be required when an exception is detected is called exception handling. This processing is done by a code unit or segment called an exception handler. An exception is raised when its associated event occurs. In programming language that supports exception handling, programs are allowed to trap some exceptions, thereby providing the possibility of fixing the problem and continuing. In programming languages that doesn’t support exception handling, when an exception occurs, control goes to the operating system, where a message is displayed and the program is terminated.

The absence of separate or specific exception-handling facilities in a language does not preclude the handling of user-defined, software-detected exceptions. Such an exception detected within a program unit is often handled by the unit’s caller, or invoker. One possible design is to send an auxiliary parameter, which is used as a status variable. Another possibility is to pass a label parameter to the subprogram. A third possibility is to have the handler defined as a separate subprogram whose name is passed as a parameter to the called unit.

There are some definite advantages to having exception handling built into a language. First, without exception handling, the code required to detect error conditions can considerably clutter a program. Another advantage of language support for exception handling results from exception propagation. Exception propagation allows an exception raised in one program unit to be handled in some other unit in its dynamic or static ancestry.

A language that supports exception handling encourages its users to consider all of the events that could occur during program execution and how they can be handled. This approach is far better than not considering such possibilities and simply hoping nothing will go wrong. This advantage is related to requiring a multiple-selector construct to include actions for all possible values of the control expression.

The first design issue for exception handling is how an exception occurrence is bound to an exception handler. This issue occurs on two different levels. On the unit level, there is the question of how the same exception being raised at different points in a unit can be bound to different handlers within the unit. At a higher level, the binding question arises when there is no exception handler local to the unit in which the exception is raised.

Catch, Try, and Throw

A try construct includes a compound statement called the try clause and a list of exception handlers. The compound statement defines the scope of the following handlers. A catch function can have only a single formal parameter, which is similar to a formal parameter in a function definition. A throw without an operand can appear only in a handler. When it appears there, it raises the exception, which is then handled elsewhere. The type of the throw expression selects the particular handler, which of course must have a “matching” type formal parameter.

Event Handling

Event handling is similar to exception handling. In both cases, the handlers are implicitly called by the occurrence of something, either an exception or an event. While exceptions can be created either explicitly by user code or implicitly by hardware or a software interpreter, events are created by external actions, such as user interactions through a graphical user interface (GUI).

An event is a notification that something specific has occurred, such as a mouse click on a graphical button. Strictly speaking, an event is an object that is implicitly created by the run-time system in response to a user action, at least in the context in which event handling is being discussed here.

An event handler is a segment of code that is executed in response to the appearance of an event. Event handlers enable a program to be responsive to user actions. Although event-driven programming was being used long before GUIs appeared, it has become a widely used programming methodology only in response to the popularity of these interfaces.

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PLC : SESSION 10 (Concurrency)


Concurrency can occur at four levels, those are machine instruction level, high level language statement level, unit level, and program level. Instruction level is executing two or more machine instructions simultaneously. High level language statement level is executing two or more high-level language statements simultaneously. Unit level is executing two or more subprogram units simultaneously. Program level is executing two or more programs simultaneously. Because no language design issues are involved with them, instruction-level and program-level concurrency are not discussed in this chapter.

Concurrency at both the subprogram and the statement levels is discussed, with most of the focus on the subprogram level. Concurrency may appear to be a simple concept, but it presents significant challenges to the programmer, the programming language designer, and the operating system designer. Concurrent control mechanisms increase programming flexibility. They were originally invented to be used for particular problems faced in operating systems, but they are required for a variety of other programming applications.

Subprogram-Level Concurrency

A task is a unit of a program, that can be in concurrent execution with other units of the same program. Each task in a program can support one thread of control. Tasks are sometimes called processes. Three characteristics of tasks distinguish them from subprograms. First, a task may be implicitly started, whereas a subprogram must be explicitly called. Second, when a program unit invokes a task, in some cases it need not wait for the task to complete its execution before continuing its own. Third, when the execution of a task is completed, control may or may not return to the unit that started that execution.

Categories of Tasks

Tasks fall into two general categories: heavyweight and lightweight. Simply stated, a heavyweight task executes in its own address space. Lightweight tasks all run in the same address space. It is easier to implement lightweight tasks than heavyweight tasks. Furthe

rmore, lightweight tasks can be more efficient than heavyweight tasks, because less effort is required to manage their execution.

Task Synchronization

Synchronization is a mechanism that controls the order in which tasks execute. Two kinds of synchronization are required when tasks share data: cooperation and competition. Cooperation synchronization is required between task A and task B when task A must wait for task B to complete some specific activity before task A can begin or continue its execution. Competition synchronization is required between two tasks when both require the use of some resource that cannot be simultaneously used.

Task Execution States

There are five task execution states, those are new, ready, running, blocked, and dead. New is when a task is in the new state when it has been created but has not yet begun its execution; Ready is when a ready task is ready to run but is not currently running, either it has not been given processor time by the scheduler, or it had run previously but was blocked in one of the ways; Running is when a running task is one that is currently executing, that is, it has a processor and its code is being executed; Blocked is when a task that is blocked has been running, but that execution was interrupted by one of several different events, the most common of which is an input or output operation; and Dead is when a dead task is no longer active in any sense.

Liveness and Deadlock

Associated with the concurrent execution of tasks and the use of shared resources is the concept of liveness. In the environment of sequential programs, a program has the liveness characteristic if it continues to execute, eventually leading to completion. In more general terms, liveness means that if some event—say, program completion—is supposed to occur, it will occur, eventually. That is, progress is continually made. In a concurrent environment and with shared resources, the liveness of a task can cease to exist, meaning that the program cannot continue and thus will never terminate.

Neither relinquishes the resource it possesses, and as a result, both lose their liveness, guaranteeing that execution of the program will never complete normally. This particular kind of loss of liveness is called deadlock. Deadlock is a serious threat to the reliability of a program, and therefore its avoidance demands serious consideration in both language and program design.

Methods of Providing Synchronization

There are three methods of providing synchronization, those are semaphores, monitors, and message passing.


To provide limited access to a data structure, guards can be placed around the code that accesses the structure. A guard is a linguistic device that allows the guarded code to be executed only when a specified condition is true. So, a guard can be used to allow only one task to access a shared data structure at a time. A semaphore is an implementation of a guard. Specifically, a semaphore is a data structure that consists of an integer and a queue that stores task descriptors. A task descriptor is a data structure that stores all of the relevant information about the execution state of a task.


One solution to some of the problems of semaphores in a concurrent environment is to encapsulate shared data structures with their operations and hide their representations—that is, to make shared data structures abstract data types with some special restrictions. This solution can provide competition synchronization without semaphores by transferring responsibility for synchronization to the run-time system. The first programming language to incorporate monitors was Concurrent Pascal (Brinch Hansen, 1975). Modula (Wirth, 1977), CSP/k (Holt et al., 1978), and Mesa (Mitchell et al., 1979) also provide monitors.

Message Passing

The first efforts to design languages that provide the capability for message passing among concurrent tasks were those of Brinch Hansen (1978) and Hoare (1978). These pioneer developers of message passing also developed a technique for handling the problem of what to do when multiple simultaneous requests were made by other tasks to communicate with a given task. It was decided that some form of nondeterminism was required to provide fairness in choosing which among those requests would be taken first. This fairness can be defined in various ways, but in general, it means that all requesters are provided an equal chance of communicating with a given task (assuming that every requester has the same priority). Nondeterministic constructs for statement-level control, called guarded commands, were introduced by Dijkstra (1975).

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PLC : SESSION 9 (Object Oriented Programming)

Object Oriented Programming

The concept of object-oriented programming had its roots in SIMULA 67 but was not fully developed until the evolution of Smalltalk resulted in Smalltalk 80 (in 1980, of course). Indeed, some consider Smalltalk to be the base model for a purely object-oriented programming language. A language that is object oriented must provide support for three key language features, those are abstract data types, inheritance, and dynamic binding of method calls to methods.


Inheritance offers a solution to both the modification problem posed by abstract data type reuse and the program organization problem. If a new abstract data type can inherit the data and functionality of some existing type, and is also allowed to modify some of those entities and add new entities, reuse is greatly facilitated without requiring changes to the reused abstract data type. Programmers can begin with an existing abstract data type and design a modified descendant of it to fit a new problem requirement. Furthermore, inheritance provides a framework for the definition of hierarchies of related classes that can reflect the descendant relationships in the problem space.

Object-Oriented Concepts

The abstract data types in object-oriented languages, following the lead of SIMULA 67, are usually called classes. As with instances of abstract data types, class instances are called objects. A class that is defined through inheritance from another class is a derived class or subclass. A class from which the new class is derived is its parent class or superclass. The subprograms that define the operations on objects of a class are called methods. The calls to methods are sometimes called messages. The entire collection of methods of an object is called the message protocol, or message interface, of the object.

There are three differences between parent class and its subclasses, those are the parent class can define some of its variables or methods to have private access, which means they will not be visible in the subclass, the subclass can add variables and/or methods to those inherited from the parent class, and the subclass can modify the behavior of one or more of its inherited methods.

Classes can have two kinds of methods and two kinds of variables. The most commonly used methods and variables are called instance methods and instance variables. Every object of a class has its own set of instance variables, which store the object’s state. The only difference between two objects of the same class is the state of their instance variables. Class variables belong to the class, rather than its object, so there is only one copy for the class.

For example, if we wanted to count the number of instances of a class, the counter could not be an instance variable—it would need to be a class variable. Class methods can perform operations on the class, and possibly also on the objects of the class. If a new class is a subclass of a single parent class, then the derivation process is called single inheritance. If a class has more than one parent class, the process is called multiple inheritance.

Dynamic Binding

Polymorphism is a natural part of any object-oriented language that is statically typed. In a sense, polymorphism makes a statically typed language a little bit dynamically typed, where the little bit is in some bindings of method calls to methods. The type of a polymorphic variable is indeed dynamic. A polymorphic variable can be defined in a class that is able to reference (or point to) objects of the class and objects of any of its descendants.

When a class hierarchy includes classes that override methods and such methods are called through a polymorphic variable, the binding to the correct method will be dynamic. Allows software systems to be more easily extended during both development and maintenance. An abstract method is one that does not include a definition (it only defines a protocol). An abstract class is one that includes at least one virtual method. An abstract class cannot be instantiated.

Design Issues for Object Oriented Programming Languages

There are eight design issues for object oriented programming languages, those are the exclusivity of objects; are subclasses subtypes?; type checking and polymorphism; single and multiple inheritance; object allocation and deallocation; dynamic and static binding; nested classes; and initialization of objects.

The Exclusivity of Objects

One alternative to the exclusive use of objects that is common in imperative languages to which support for object-oriented programming has been added is to retain the complete collection of types from a traditional imperative programming language and simply add the object typing model. Another alternative to the exclusive use of objects is to have an imperative style type structure for the primitive scalar types, but implement all structured types as objects. This choice provides the speed of operations on primitive values that is comparable to those expected in the imperative model.

Are Subclasses Subtypes?

The issue here is relatively simple: Does an “is-a” relationship hold between a derived class and its parent class? From a purely semantics point of view, if a derived class is a parent class, then objects of the derived class must expose all of the members that are exposed by objects of the parent class. At a less abstract level, an is-a relationship guarantees that in a client a variable of the derived class type could appear anywhere a variable of the parent class type was legal, without causing a type error. Moreover, the derived class objects should be behaviorally equivalent to the parent class objects.

Single and Multiple Inheritance

Another simple issue is: Does the language allow multiple inheritance (in addition to single inheritance)? Maybe it’s not so simple. The purpose of multiple inheritance is to allow a new class to inherit from two or more classes. Because multiple inheritance is sometimes highly useful, why would a language designer not include it? The reasons lie in two categories: complexity and efficiency.

Allocation and Deallocation of Objects

There are two design questions concerning the allocation and deallocation of objects. The first of these is the place from which objects are allocated. If they behave like the abstract data types, then perhaps they can be allocated from anywhere. This means they could be allocated from the run-time stack or explicitly created on the heap with an operator or function, such as new. If they are all heap dynamic, there is the advantage of having a uniform method of creation and access through pointer or reference variables.

This design simplifies the assignment operation for objects, making it in all cases only a pointer or reference value change. It also allows references to objects to be implicitly dereferenced, simplifying the access syntax. The second question here is concerned with those cases where objects are allocated from the heap. The question is whether deallocation is implicit, explicit, or both. If deallocation is implicit, some implicit method of storage reclamation is required. If deallocation can be explicit, that raises the issue of whether dangling pointers or references can be created.

Dynamic and Static Binding

The question here is whether all binding of messages to methods is dynamic. The alternative is to allow the user to specify whether a specific binding is to be dynamic or static. The advantage of this is that static bindings are faster. So, if a binding need not be dynamic, why pay the price?

Nested Classes

The class in which the new class is nested is called the nesting class. The most obvious design issues associated with class nesting are related to visibility. Specifically, one issue is: Which of the facilities of the nesting class are visible in the nested class? The other main issue is the opposite: Which of the facilities of the nested class are visible in the nesting class?

Initialization of Objects

The initialization issue is whether and how objects are initialized to values when they are created. This is more complicated than may be first thought. The first question is whether objects must be initialized manually or through some implicit mechanism. When an object of a subclass is created, is the associated initialization of the inherited parent class member implicit or must the programmer explicitly deal with it.

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PLC : SESSION 8 (Abstract Data Type) (GSLC)

In this session, we have GSLC class so Ms.Yanfi only gave us some questions through the Binusmaya Forum and gave us about a week to answer it through the forum.


Here is the question:

  1. What are the similarities of and the differences between Java Packages and C++ Namespace?
  2. Explain the dangers of C’s approach to encapsulation.


And here are the answers I wrote on the forum:

  1. The similarities:

– Java packages are namespace system while C++ also has namespace

– Both are abstract containers for classes

– Java packages and namespaces both provide breakup for class names

– Both make the code cleaner and less redundant, by enabling some parts of the                        code


The Differences:

– Java’s packages are a namespace system

– In C++ namespaces are just about partitioning the available names.

– Java packages are about modules


  1. The main problem is that the biggest part of encapsulation is done via hiding, rather than protection. This is achieved through definition hiding: a header file is preprocessed (which is a synonym for copy-pasted) into the implementation file. Anyone with this header file will be able to access any method or public variable of a the client related to the header, left apart any “static” method / variable. The documentation of the dependence of the client program on the library (and its header file) is lost. The author of the library could change the header file and the implementation file, but the client could attempt to use the new implementation file (not realizing it had changed) but with the old header file, which the user had copied into his or her client program.
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PLC : SESSION 8 (Abstract Data Type)

Concept of Abstraction

An abstraction is a view or representation of an entity that includes only the most significant attributes. In a general sense, abstraction allows one to collect instances of entities into groups in which their common attributes need not be considered. In the world of programming languages, abstraction is a weapon against the complexity of programming; its purpose is to simplify the programming process. It is an effective weapon because it allows programmers to focus on essential attributes, while ignoring subordinate attributes. The concept of process abstraction is among the oldest in programming language design. All subprograms are process abstractions because they provide a way for a program to specify a process, without providing the details of how it performs its task (at least in the calling program).

The two fundamental kinds of abstractions in contemporary programming languages are process abstraction and data abstraction. All subprograms are process abstractions because they provide a way for a program to specify that some process is to be done, without providing the details of how it is to be done. Object-oriented programming is an outgrowth of the use of data abstraction.

Data Abstraction

Abstract data type is a data structure in the form of a record, but which includes subprograms that manipulate its data. An abstract data type is simply an encapsulation that includes only the data representation of one specific data type and the subprograms that provide the operations for that type. An abstract data type is a user-defined data type that satisfies the following two conditions, those are the representation of objects of the type is hidden from the program units that use these objects, so the only operations possible are those provided in the type’s definition and the declarations of the type and the protocols of the operations on objects of the type are contained in a single syntactic unit. Other program units are allowed to create variables of the defined type.

Advantages of Data Abstraction

Advantages of the first condition are increases reliability by hiding the data representations, reduces the range of code and variables, and makes name conflict less likely happen. Advantages of the second condition are provides a method of program organization, aids modifiability, and separates compilation.

Encapsulation Constructs

From the programmer’s point of view, having such a program appear as a single collection of subprograms or abstract data type definitions does not impose an adequate level of organization on the program to keep it intellectually manageable. The second practical problem for larger programs is recompilation. For relatively small programs, recompiling the whole program after each modification is not costly. But for large programs, the cost of recompilation is significant.

So, there is an obvious need to find ways to avoid recompilation of the parts of a program that are not affected by a change. The obvious solution to both of these problems is to organize programs into collections of logically related code and data, each of which can be compiled without recompilation of the rest of the program. An encapsulation is such a collection. Encapsulations are often placed in libraries and made available for reuse in programs other than those for which they were written.

Naming Encapsulations

A large program is usually written by many developers, working somewhat independently, perhaps even in different geographic locations. This requires the logical units of the program to be independent, while still able to work together. Libraries are the origin of the same kind of naming problems. Over the past two decades, large software systems have become progressively more dependent on libraries of supporting software. Nearly all software written in contemporary programming languages requires the use of large and complex standard libraries, in addition to application-specific libraries. This widespread use of multiple libraries has necessitated new mechanisms for managing names.

Naming encapsulations define name scopes that assist in avoiding these name conflicts. Each library can create its own naming encapsulation to prevent its names from conflicting with the names defined in other libraries or in client code. Each logical part of a software system can create a naming encapsulation with the same purpose. Naming encapsulations are logical encapsulations, in the sense that they need not be contiguous. Several different collections of code can be placed in the same namespace, even though they are stored in different places.

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PLC : SESSION 7 (Subprograms)

Fundamental Abstraction Facilities

There are two fundamental abstraction facilities, those are process abstraction and data abstraction. Process abstraction was emphasized from early days. Data abstraction was emphasized in the 1980s. All subprograms are process abstractions because they provide a way for a program to specify that some process is to be done, without providing the details of how it is to be done. Object-oriented programming is an outgrowth of the use of data abstraction.

Fundamentals of Subprograms

There are three fundamentals of subprograms, those are each subprogram has single entry point, the calling program is suspended during the execution of the called subprogram, and last control always returns to the caller when the called subprogram’s execution terminates.

Basic Definition

A subprogram definition describes the interface to and the actions of the subprogram abstraction. A subprogram call is the explicit request that a specific subprogram be executed. A subprogram is said to be active if, after having been called, it has begun execution but has not yet completed that execution. The two fundamental kinds of subprograms, procedures and functions. A subprogram header, which is the first part of the definition, serves several purposes. First, it specifies that the following syntactic unit is a subprogram definition of some particular kind.


The parameters in the subprogram header are called formal parameters. They are sometimes thought of as dummy variables because they are not variables in the usual sense. Subprogram call statements must include the name of the subprogram and a list of parameters to be bound to the formal parameters of the subprogram. These parameters are called actual parameters. In nearly all programming languages, the correspondence between actual and formal parameters—or the binding of actual parameters to formal parameters—is done by position: The first actual parameter is bound to the first formal parameter and so forth. Such parameters are called positional parameters.

Procedures and Functions

There are two distinct categories of subprograms—procedures and functions—both of which can be viewed as approaches to extending the language. All subprograms are collections of statements that define parameterized computations. Functions return values and procedures do not. Functions structurally resemble procedures but are semantically modeled on mathematical functions. Functions are called by appearances of their names in expressions, along with the required actual parameters. The value produced by a function’s execution is returned to the calling code, effectively replacing the call itself.

Design Issues for Subprograms

There are eight design issues for subprograms, those are the exclusivity of objects; are subclasses subtypes?; type checking and polymorphism; single and multiple inheritance; object allocation and deallocation; dynamic and static binding; nested classes; and initialization of objects.

Local Referencing Environments

Local variables can be stack-dynamic or static. The advantages of stack-dynamic local variables are supporting recursion, flexibility, and the storage for locals is shared among some subprograms. The disadvantages are the allocation and the deallocation needs much time for the initialization. The advantages of static local variables are more efficient, require no runtime overhead for allocation or deallocation, and history sensitive. The disadvantages are the inability to support recursion and the storage can not be shared with the local variables of other inactive subprograms.

Semantic Models of Parameter Passing

There are three modes of semantic models of parameter passing, those are in mode, out mode and in-out mode. In mode means they can receive data from the corresponding actual parameter. Out mode means they can transmit data to the actual parameter. And in-out mode means they can do both. There are two conceptual models of how data transfers take place in parameter transmission: Either an actual value is copied (to the caller, to the called, or both ways), or an access path is transmitted. Most commonly, the access path is a simple pointer or reference.

Pass by Value

When a parameter is passed by value, the value of the actual parameter is used to initialize the corresponding formal parameter, which then acts as a local variable in the subprogram, thus implementing in-mode semantics. Pass-by-value is normally implemented by copy, because accesses often are more efficient with this approach. It could be implemented by transmitting an access path to the value of the actual parameter in the caller, but that would require that the value be in a write-protected cell (one that can only be read). Enforcing the write protection is not always a simple matter.

The advantage of pass-by-value is that for scalars it is fast, in both linkage cost and access time. The main disadvantage of the pass-by-value method if copies are used is that additional storage is required for the formal parameter, either in the called subprogram or in some area outside both the caller and the called subprogram. In addition, the actual parameter must be copied to the storage area for the corresponding formal parameter. The storage and the copy operations can be costly if the parameter is large, such as an array with many elements.

Pass by Result

Pass-by-result is an implementation model for out-mode parameters. When a parameter is passed by result, no value is transmitted to the subprogram. The corresponding formal parameter acts as a local variable, but just before control is transferred back to the caller, its value is transmitted back to the caller’s actual parameter, which obviously must be a variable.

The pass-by-result method has the advantages and disadvantages of pass-by-value, plus some additional disadvantages. If values are returned by copy (as opposed to access paths), as they typically are, pass-by-result also requires the extra storage and the copy operations that are required by pass-by-value. As with pass-by-value, the difficulty of implementing pass-by-result by transmitting an access path usually results in it being implemented by copy. In this case, the problem is in ensuring that the initial value of the actual parameter is not used in the called subprogram.

Pass by Value Result

Pass-by-value-result is an implementation model for in-out-mode parameters in which actual values are copied. It is in effect a combination of pass-by-value and pass-by-result. The value of the actual parameter is used to initialize the corresponding formal parameter, which then acts as a local variable. In fact, pass-by-value-result formal parameters must have local storage associated with the called subprogram.

At subprogram termination, the value of the formal parameter is transmitted back to the actual parameter. Pass-by-value-result is sometimes called pass-by-copy, because the actual parameter is copied to the formal parameter at subprogram entry and then copied back at subprogram termination. Pass-by-value-result shares with pass-by-value and pass-by-result the disadvantages of requiring multiple storage for parameters and time for copying values. It shares with pass-by-result the problems associated with the order in which actual parameters are assigned.

Pass by Reference

Pass-by-reference is a second implementation model for in-out-mode parameters. Rather than copying data values back and forth, however, as in pass-by-value-result, the pass-by-reference method transmits an access path, usually just an address, to the called subprogram. This provides the access path to the cell storing the actual parameter. Thus, the called subprogram is allowed to access the actual parameter in the calling program unit. In effect, the actual parameter is shared with the called subprogram.

The advantage of pass-by-reference is that the passing process itself is efficient, in terms of both time and space. Duplicate space is not required, nor is any copying required. There are, however, several disadvantages to the pass-by-reference method. First, access to the formal parameters will be slower than pass-by-value parameters, because of the additional level of indirect addressing that is required. Second, if only one-way communication to the called subprogram is required, inadvertent and erroneous changes may be made to the actual parameter.

Another problem of pass-by-reference is that aliases can be created. This problem should be expected, because pass-by-reference makes access paths available to the called subprograms, thereby providing access to nonlocal variables. The problem with these kinds of aliasing is the same as in other circumstances: It is harmful to readability and thus to reliability. It also makes program verification more difficult.

Pass by Name

Pass-by-name is an in-out-mode parameter transmission method that does not correspond to a single implementation model. When parameters are passed by name, the actual parameter is, in effect, textually substituted for the corresponding formal parameter in all its occurrences in the subprogram. This method is quite different from those discussed thus far; in which case, formal parameters are bound to actual values or addresses at the time of the subprogram call.

A pass-by-name formal parameter is bound to an access method at the time of the subprogram call, but the actual binding to a value or an address is delayed until the formal parameter is assigned or referenced. Implementing a pass-by-name parameter requires a subprogram to be passed to the called subprogram to evaluate the address or value of the formal parameter. The referencing environment of the passed subprogram must also be passed. Pass-by-name parameters are both complex to implement and inefficient. They also add significant complexity to the program, thereby lowering its readability and reliability.

Parameter-Passing Methods

In most contemporary languages, parameter communication takes place through the run-time stack. The run-time stack is initialized and maintained by the run-time system, which manages the execution of programs. The runtime stack is used extensively for subprogram control linkage and parameter passing. Pass-by-value parameters have their values copied into stack locations. Pass-by-result parameters are implemented as the opposite of pass-by-value. Pass-by-value-result parameters can be implemented directly from their semantics as a combination of pass-by-value and pass-by-result. Pass-by-reference parameters are perhaps the simplest to implement.

Design Considerations

Two important considerations are involved in choosing parameter-passing methods: efficiency and whether one-way or two-way data transfer is needed. Contemporary software-engineering principles dictate that access by subprogram code to data outside the subprogram should be minimized. With this goal in mind, in-mode parameters should be used whenever no data are to be returned through parameters to the caller.

Out-mode parameters should be used when no data are transferred to the called subprogram but the subprogram must transmit data back to the caller. Finally, in-out-mode parameters should be used only when data must move in both directions between the caller and the called subprogram. There is a practical consideration that is in conflict with this principle. Sometimes it is justifiable to pass access paths for one-way parameter transmission.

Referencing Environment

Although the idea is natural and seemingly simple, the details of how it works can be confusing. If only the transmission of the subprogram code was necessary, it could be done by passing a single pointer. However, two complications arise. First, there is the matter of type checking the parameters of the activations of the subprogram that was passed as a parameter. The second complication with parameters that are subprograms appears only with languages that allow nested subprograms.

The issue is what referencing environment for executing the passed subprogram should be used. There are three choices, those are sallow binding, deep binding, and ad hoc binding. Shallow binding is the environment of the call statement that enacts the passed subprogram. Deep binding is the environment of the definition of the passed subprogram. Ad hoc binding is the environment of the call statement that passed the subprogram as an actual parameter.

Overloaded Subprograms

An overloaded subprogram is a subprogram that has the same name as another subprogram in the same referencing environment. Every version of an overloaded subprogram must have a unique protocol; that is, it must be different from the others in the number, order, or types of its parameters, and possibly in its return type if it is a function. The meaning of a call to an overloaded subprogram is determined by the actual parameter list (and/or possibly the type of the returned value, in the case of a function). Although it is not necessary, overloaded subprograms usually implement the same process.

Generic Subprograms

A polymorphic subprogram takes parameters of different types on different activations. Overloaded subprograms provide a particular kind of polymorphism called ad hoc polymorphism. Overloaded subprograms need not behave similarly. Languages that support object-oriented programming usually support subtype polymorphism. Subtype polymorphism means that a variable of type T can access any object of type T or any type derived from T.

Parametric polymorphism is provided by a subprogram that takes generic parameters that are used in type expressions that describe the types of the parameters of the subprogram. Different instantiations of such subprograms can be given different generic parameters, producing subprograms that take different types of parameters. Parametric definitions of subprograms all behave the same. Parametrically polymorphic subprograms are often called generic subprograms.


A closure is a subprogram and the referencing environment where it was defined. The referencing environment is needed if the subprogram can be called from any arbitrary place in the program. Explaining a closure is not so simple. If a static-scoped programming language does not allow nested subprograms, closures are not useful, so such languages do not support them. All of the variables in the referencing environment of a subprogram in such a language (its local variables and the global variables) are accessible, regardless of the place in the program where the subprogram is called.


A coroutine is a special kind of subprogram. Rather than the master-slave relationship between a caller and a called subprogram that exists with conventional subprograms, caller and called coroutines are more equitable. In fact, the coroutine control mechanism is often called the symmetric unit control model.

Coroutines can have multiple entry points, which are controlled by the coroutines themselves. They also have the means to maintain their status between activations. This means that coroutines must be history sensitive and thus have static local variables. Secondary executions of a coroutine often begin at points other than its beginning. Because of this, the invocation of a coroutine is called a resume rather than a call.

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PLC : SESSION 6 (Control Structures Statement)

Control Structure

Computations in imperative-language programs are accomplished by evaluating expressions and assigning the resulting values to variables. However, there are few useful programs that consist entirely of assignment statements. At least two additional linguistic mechanisms are necessary to make the computations in programs flexible and powerful: some means of selecting among alternative control flow paths (of statement execution) and some means of causing the repeated execution of statements or sequences of statements. Statements that provide these kinds of capabilities are called control statements. A control structure is a control statement and the collection of statements whose execution it controls.

Selection Statements

A selection statement provides the means of choosing between two or more execution paths in a program. Such statements are fundamental and essential parts of all programming languages, as was proven by Böhm and Jacopini. Selection statements fall into two general categories: two-way and n-way, or multiple selection.

Two-Way Selection Statements

Although the two-way selection statements of contemporary imperative languages are quite similar, there are some variations in their designs. The general form of a two-way selector is as follows:

if control_expression

    then clause

    else clause

Multiple-Selection Statements

The multiple-selection statement allows the selection of one of any number of statements or statement groups. It is, therefore, a generalization of a selector. In fact, two-way selectors can be built with a multiple selector. The need to choose from among more than two control paths in a program is common. Although a multiple selector can be built from two-way selectors and go-to, the resulting structures are cumbersome, unreliable, and difficult to write and read. Therefore, the need for a special structure is clear.

Iterative Statements

An iterative statement is one that causes a statement or collection of statements to be executed zero, one, or more times. An iterative statement is often called a loop. Every programming language from Plankalkül on has included some method of repeating the execution of segments of code. Iteration is the very essence of the power of the computer. If some means of repetitive execution of a statement or collection of statements were not possible, programmers would be required to state every action in sequence; useful programs would be huge and inflexible and take unacceptably large amounts of time to write and mammoth amounts of memory to store. The first iterative statements in programming languages were directly related to arrays. This resulted from the fact that in the earliest years of computers, computing was largely numerical in nature, frequently using loops to process data in arrays.

Counter-Controlled Loops

A counting iterative control statement has a variable, called the loop variable, in which the count value is maintained. It also includes some means of specifying the initial and terminal values of the loop variable, and the difference between sequential loop variable values, often called the step size. The initial, terminal, and step size specifications of a loop are called the loop parameters. Although logically controlled loops are more general than counter controlled loops, they are not necessarily more commonly used. Because counter-controlled loops are more complex, their design is more demanding.

Logically Controlled Loops

In many cases, collections of statements must be repeatedly executed, but the repetition control is based on a Boolean expression rather than a counter. For these situations, a logically controlled loop is convenient. Actually, logically controlled loops are more general than counter-controlled loops. Every counting loop can be built with a logical loop, but the reverse is not true. Also, recall that only selection and logical loops are essential to express the control structure of any flowchart.

User-Located Loop Control Mechanism

In some situations, it is convenient for a programmer to choose a location for loop control other than the top or bottom of the loop body. As a result, some languages provide this capability. A syntactic mechanism for user-located loop control can be relatively simple, so its design is not difficult. Such loops have the structure of infinite loops but include user-located loop exits. Perhaps the most interesting question is whether a single loop or several nested loops can be exited.

Iteration Based on Data Structures

A general data-based iteration statement uses a user-defined data structure and a user-defined function (the iterator) to go through the structure’s elements. The iterator is called at the beginning of each iteration, and each time it is called, the iterator returns an element from a particular data structure in some specific order. For example, suppose a program has a user-defined binary tree of data nodes, and the data in each node must be processed in some particular order.

A user-defined iteration statement for the tree would successively set the loop variable to point to the nodes in the tree, one for each iteration. The initial execution of the user-defined iteration statement needs to issue a special call to the iterator to get the first tree element. The iterator must always remember which node it presented last so that it visits all nodes without visiting any node more than once. So an iterator must be history sensitive. A user-defined iteration statement terminates when the iterator fails to find more elements.

Unconditional Branching

An unconditional branch statement transfers execution control to a specified location in the program. The most heated debate in language design in the late 1960s was over the issue of whether unconditional branching should be part of any high-level language, and if so, whether its use should be restricted. The unconditional branch, or go-to, is the most powerful statement for controlling the flow of execution of a program’s statements.

However, using the go-to carelessly can lead to serious problems. The go-to has stunning power and great flexibility (all other control structures can be built with go-to and a selector), but it is this power that makes its use dangerous. Without restrictions on use, imposed by either language design or programming standards, go-to statements can make programs very difficult to read, and as a result, highly unreliable and costly to maintain.

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PLC : SESSION 5 (Expression and Assignment Statements)


Expressions are the fundamental means of specifying computations in a programming language. It is crucial for a programmer to understand both the syntax and semantics of expressions of the language being used. To understand expression evaluation, it is necessary to be familiar with the orders of operator and operand evaluation. The operator evaluation order of expressions is dictated by the associativity and precedence rules of the language. The essence of the imperative programming languages is the dominant role of assignment statements. The purpose of these statements is to cause the side effect of changing the values of variables, or the state, of the program. So an integral part of all imperative languages is the concept of variables whose values change during program execution.

Arithmetic Expressions

Automatic evaluation of arithmetic expressions similar to those found in mathematics, science, and engineering was one of the primary goals of the first high-level programming languages. Most of the characteristics of arithmetic expressions in programming languages were inherited from conventions that had evolved in mathematics. In programming languages, arithmetic expressions consist of operators, operands, parentheses, and function calls. An operator can be unary, meaning it has a single operand, binary, meaning it has two operands, or ternary, meaning it has three operands. In most programming languages, binary operators are infix, which means they appear between their operands.


The operator precedence rules for expression evaluation partially define the order in which the operators of different precedence levels are evaluated. The operator precedence rules for expressions are based on the hierarchy of operator priorities, as seen by the language designer. The operator precedence rules of the common imperative languages are nearly all the same, because they are based on those of mathematics. In these languages, exponentiation has the highest precedence (when it is provided by the language), followed by multiplication and division on the same level, followed by binary addition and subtraction on the same level.


When an expression contains two adjacent occurrences of operators with the same level of precedence, the question of which operator is evaluated first is answered by the associativity rules of the language. An operator can have either left or right associativity, meaning that when there are two adjacent operators with the same precedence, the left operator is evaluated first or the right operator is evaluated first, respectively.


Programmers can alter the precedence and associativity rules by placing parentheses in expressions. A parenthesized part of an expression has precedence over its adjacent unparenthesized parts. Languages that allow parentheses in arithmetic expressions could dispense with all precedence rules and simply associate all operators left to right or right to left. The programmer would specify the desired order of evaluation with parentheses. This approach would be simple because neither the author nor the readers of programs would need to remember any precedence or associativity rules. The disadvantage of this scheme is that it makes writing expressions more tedious, and it also seriously compromises the readability of the code.

Conditional Expressions

if-then-else statements can be used to perform a conditional expression assignment. Conditional expressions can be used anywhere in a program (in a C-based language) where any other expression can be used. In addition to the C-based languages, conditional expressions are provided in Perl, JavaScript, and Ruby.

Operand Evaluation Order

A less commonly discussed design characteristic of expressions is the order of evaluation of operands. Variables in expressions are evaluated by fetching their values from memory. Constants are sometimes evaluated the same way. In other cases, a constant may be part of the machine language instruction and not require a memory fetch. If an operand is a parenthesized expression, all of the operators it contains must be evaluated before its value can be used as an operand. If neither of the operands of an operator has side effects, then operand evaluation order is irrelevant. Therefore, the only interesting case arises when the evaluation of an operand does have side effects.

Overloaded Operators

Arithmetic operators are often used for more than one purpose. For example, + usually is used to specify integer addition and floating-point addition. Some languages—Java, for example—also use it for string catenation. This multiple use of an operator is called operator overloading and is generally thought to be acceptable, as long as neither readability nor reliability suffers.

As an example of the possible dangers of overloading, consider the use of the ampersand (&) in C++. As a binary operator, it specifies a bitwise logical AND operation. As a unary operator, however, its meaning is totally different. As a unary operator with a variable as its operand, the expression value is the address of that variable. In this case, the ampersand is called the address-of operator.

Type Conversions

Type conversions are either narrowing or widening. A narrowing conversion converts a value to a type that cannot store even approximations of all of the values of the original type.

For example, converting a double to a float in Java is a narrowing conversion, because the range of double is much larger than that of float. A widening conversion converts a value to a type that can include at least approximations of all of the values of the original type. For example, converting an int to a float in Java is a widening conversion. Widening conversions are nearly always safe, meaning that the magnitude of the converted value is maintained. Narrowing conversions are not always safe— sometimes the magnitude of the converted value is changed in the process.

Coercion in Expressions

One of the design decisions concerning arithmetic expressions is whether an operator can have operands of different types. Languages that allow such expressions, which are called mixed-mode expressions, must define conventions for implicit operand type conversions because computers do not have binary operations that take operands of different types. Type conversions explicitly requested by the programmer are referred to as explicit conversions, or casts, not coercions. Although some operator symbols may be overloaded, we assume that a computer system, either in hardware or in some level of software simulation, has an operation for each operand type and operator defined in the language.

Explicit Type Conversion

Most languages provide some capability for doing explicit conversions, both widening and narrowing. In some cases, warning messages are produced when an explicit narrowing conversion results in a significant change to the value of the object being converted.

Error in Expressions

A number of errors can occur during expression evaluation. If the language requires type checking, either static or dynamic, then operand type errors cannot occur. The errors that can occur because of coercions of operands in expressions have already been discussed. The other kinds of errors are due to the limitations of computer arithmetic and the inherent limitations of arithmetic. The most common error occurs when the result of an operation cannot be represented in the memory cell where it must be stored. This is called overflow or underflow, depending on whether the result was too large or too small. One limitation of arithmetic is that division by zero is disallowed. Of course, the fact that it is not mathematically allowed does not prevent a program from attempting to do it. Floating-point overflow, underflow, and division by zero are examples of run-time errors, which are sometimes called exceptions.

Relational Expressions

A relational operator is an operator that compares the values of its two operands. A relational expression has two operands and one relational operator. The value of a relational expression is Boolean, except when Boolean is not a type included in the language. The relational operators are often overloaded for a variety of types. The operation that determines the truth or falsehood of a relational expression depends on the operand types. It can be simple, as for integer operands, or complex, as for character string operands. Typically, the types of the operands that can be used for relational operators are numeric types, strings, and ordinal types.

Boolean Expressions

Boolean expressions consist of Boolean variables, Boolean constants, relational expressions, and Boolean operators. The operators usually include those for the AND, OR, and NOT operations, and sometimes for exclusive OR and equivalence. Boolean operators usually take only Boolean operands (Boolean variables, Boolean literals, or relational expressions) and produce Boolean values. In the mathematics of Boolean algebras, the OR and AND operators must have equal precedence. In accordance with this, Ada’s AND and OR operators have equal precedence. However, the C-based languages assign a higher precedence to AND than OR. Perhaps this resulted from the baseless correlation of multiplication with AND and of addition with OR, which would naturally assign higher precedence to AND.

Short Circuit Evaluation

A short-circuit evaluation of an expression is one in which the result is determined without evaluating all of the operands and/or operators. In the C-based languages, the usual AND and OR operators, && and ||, respectively, are short-circuit. However, these languages also have bitwise AND and OR operators, & and |, respectively, that can be used on Boolean-valued operands and are not short-circuit. Of course, the bitwise operators are only equivalent to the usual Boolean operators if all operands are restricted to being either 0 (for false) or 1 (for true).

Simple Assignment Statements

Nearly all programming languages currently being used use the equal sign for the assignment operator. All of these must use something different from an equal sign for the equality relational operator to avoid confusion with their assignment operator.

Compound Assignment Operators

A compound assignment operator is a shorthand method of specifying a commonly needed form of assignment. The form of assignment that can be abbreviated with this technique has the destination variable also appearing as the first operand in the expression on the right side. Compound assignment operators were introduced by ALGOL 68, were later adopted in a slightly different form by C, and are part of the other C-based languages, as well as Perl, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. The syntax of these assignment operators is the catenation of the desired binary operator to the = operator.

Unary Assignment Operators

The C-based languages, Perl, and JavaScript include two special unary arithmetic operators that are actually abbreviated assignments. They combine increment and decrement operations with assignment. The operators ++ for increment, and –– for decrement, can be used either in expressions or to form stand-alone single-operator assignment statements. They can appear either as prefix operators, meaning that they precede the operands, or as postfix operators, meaning that they follow the operands.

Assignment as an Expression

In the C-based languages, Perl, and JavaScript, the assignment statement produces a result, which is the same as the value assigned to the target. It can therefore be used as an expression and as an operand in other expressions. This design treats the assignment operator much like any other binary operator, except that it has the side effect of changing its left operand. The disadvantage of allowing assignment statements to be operands in expressions is that it provides yet another kind of expression side effect. This type of side effect can lead to expressions that are difficult to read and understand. An expression with any kind of side effect has this disadvantage. Such an expression cannot be read as an expression, which in mathematics is a denotation of a value, but only as a list of instructions with an odd order of execution.

Mixed-Mode Assignment

Frequently, assignment statements also are mixed mode. Fortran, C, C++, and Perl use coercion rules for mixed-mode assignment that are similar to those they use for mixed-mode expressions; that is, many of the possible type mixes are legal, with coercion freely applied.7 Ada does not allow mixed-mode assignment. In a clear departure from C++, Java and C# allow mixed-mode assignment only if the required coercion is widening.8 So, an int value can be assigned to a float variable, but not vice versa. Disallowing half of the possible mixed-mode assignments is a simple but effective way to increase the reliability of Java and C#, relative to C and C++. Of course, in functional languages, where assignments are just used to name values, there is no such thing as a mixed-mode assignment.

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