PLC : SESSION 12 (Functional Programming Languages)

Functional Language

The design of the imperative languages is based directly on the von Neumann architecture. The design of the functional languages is based on mathematical functions. The functional programming paradigm, which is based on mathematical functions, is the design basis of the most important nonimperative styles of languages. This style of programming is supported by functional programming languages. One of the fundamental characteristics of programs written in imperative languages is that they have state, which changes throughout the execution process. This state is represented by the program’s variables.

Mathematical Language

A mathematical function is a mapping of members of one set, called the domain set, to another set, called the range set. A function definition specifies the domain and range sets, either explicitly or implicitly, along with the mapping. The mapping is described by an expression or, in some cases, by a table. Functions are often applied to a particular element of the domain set, given as a parameter to the function. Note that the domain set may be the cross product of several sets (reflecting that there can be more than one parameter).

A function yields an element of the range set. One of the fundamental characteristics of mathematical functions is that the evaluation order of their mapping expressions is controlled by recursion and conditional expressions, rather than by the sequencing and iterative repetition that are common to the imperative programming languages. Another important characteristic of mathematical functions is that because they have no side effects and cannot depend on any external values, they always map a particular element of the domain to the same element of the range.

Functional Forms

A higher-order function, or functional form, is one that either takes one or more functions as parameters or yields a function as its result, or both. One common kind of functional form is function composition, which has two functional parameters and yields a function whose value is the first actual parameter function applied to the result of the second. Apply-to-all is a functional form that takes a single function as a parameter.

The First Functional Programming Language

Many functional programming languages have been developed. The oldest and most widely used is LISP (or one of its descendants), which was developed by John McCarthy at MIT in 1959. Studying functional languages through LISP is somewhat akin to studying the imperative languages through Fortran: LISP was the first functional language, but although it has steadily evolved for half a century, it no longer represents the latest design concepts for functional languages.

In addition, with the exception of the first version, all LISP dialects include imperative-language features, such as imperative-style variables, assignment statements, and iteration. (Imperative-style variables are used to name memory cells, whose values can change many times during program execution.) Despite this and their somewhat odd form, the descendants of the original LISP represent well the fundamental concepts of functional programming and are therefore worthy of study.


The Scheme language, which is a dialect of LISP, was developed at MIT in the mid-1970s (Sussman and Steele, 1975). It is characterized by its small size, its exclusive use of static scoping, and its treatment of functions as first-class entities. As first-class entities, Scheme functions can be the values of expressions, elements of lists, passed as parameters, and returned from functions.

A Scheme interpreter in interactive mode is an infinite read-evaluate-print loop (often abbreviated as REPL). It repeatedly reads an expression typed by the user (in the form of a list), interprets the expression, and displays the resulting value. Scheme includes primitive functions for the basic arithmetic operations.

Defining Function

A Scheme program is a collection of function definitions. Consequently, knowing how to define these functions is a prerequisite to writing the simplest program. In Scheme, a nameless function actually includes the word LAMBDA, and is called a lambda expression. Lambda is a nameless function that returns the square of its given numeric parameter. This function can be applied in the same way that named functions are: by placing it in the beginning of a list that contains the actual parameters.

Output Function

Scheme includes a few simple output functions, but when used with the interactive interpreter, most output from Scheme programs is the normal output from the interpreter, displaying the results of applying EVAL to top-level functions. Scheme includes a formatted output function, PRINTF, which is similar to the printf function of C. Note that explicit input and output are not part of the pure functional programming model, because input operations change the program state and output operations have side effects. Neither of these can be part of a pure functional language.

Control Flow

Scheme uses three different constructs for control flow: one similar to the selection construct of the imperative languages and two based on the evaluation control used in mathematical functions. The Scheme two-way selector function, named IF, has three parameters: a predicate expression, a then expression, and an else expression.

List Functions

Scheme programs are interpreted by the function application function, EVAL. When applied to a primitive function, EVAL first evaluates the parameters of the given function. This action is necessary when the actual parameters in a function call are themselves function calls, which is frequently the case.

In some calls, however, the parameters are data elements rather than function references. When a parameter is not a function reference, it obviously should not be evaluated. We were not concerned with this earlier, because numeric literals always evaluate to themselves and cannot be mistaken for function names.

Predicate Functions

Scheme has three fundamental predicate functions, EQ?, NULL?, and LIST?, for symbolic atoms and lists. The EQ? function takes two expressions as parameters, although it is usually used with two symbolic atom parameters. It returns #T if both parameters have the same pointer value—that is, they point to the same atom or list; otherwise, it returns #F. The LIST? predicate function returns #T if its single argument is a list and #F otherwise. The NULL? function tests its parameter to determine whether it is the empty list and returns #T if it is.

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