Concept of Abstraction
An abstraction is a view or representation of an entity that includes only the most significant attributes. In a general sense, abstraction allows one to collect instances of entities into groups in which their common attributes need not be considered. In the world of programming languages, abstraction is a weapon against the complexity of programming; its purpose is to simplify the programming process. It is an effective weapon because it allows programmers to focus on essential attributes, while ignoring subordinate attributes. The concept of process abstraction is among the oldest in programming language design. All subprograms are process abstractions because they provide a way for a program to specify a process, without providing the details of how it performs its task (at least in the calling program).
The two fundamental kinds of abstractions in contemporary programming languages are process abstraction and data abstraction. All subprograms are process abstractions because they provide a way for a program to specify that some process is to be done, without providing the details of how it is to be done. Object-oriented programming is an outgrowth of the use of data abstraction.
Data Abstraction
Abstract data type is a data structure in the form of a record, but which includes subprograms that manipulate its data. An abstract data type is simply an encapsulation that includes only the data representation of one specific data type and the subprograms that provide the operations for that type. An abstract data type is a user-defined data type that satisfies the following two conditions, those are the representation of objects of the type is hidden from the program units that use these objects, so the only operations possible are those provided in the type’s definition and the declarations of the type and the protocols of the operations on objects of the type are contained in a single syntactic unit. Other program units are allowed to create variables of the defined type.
Advantages of Data Abstraction
Advantages of the first condition are increases reliability by hiding the data representations, reduces the range of code and variables, and makes name conflict less likely happen. Advantages of the second condition are provides a method of program organization, aids modifiability, and separates compilation.
Encapsulation Constructs
From the programmer’s point of view, having such a program appear as a single collection of subprograms or abstract data type definitions does not impose an adequate level of organization on the program to keep it intellectually manageable. The second practical problem for larger programs is recompilation. For relatively small programs, recompiling the whole program after each modification is not costly. But for large programs, the cost of recompilation is significant.
So, there is an obvious need to find ways to avoid recompilation of the parts of a program that are not affected by a change. The obvious solution to both of these problems is to organize programs into collections of logically related code and data, each of which can be compiled without recompilation of the rest of the program. An encapsulation is such a collection. Encapsulations are often placed in libraries and made available for reuse in programs other than those for which they were written.
Naming Encapsulations
A large program is usually written by many developers, working somewhat independently, perhaps even in different geographic locations. This requires the logical units of the program to be independent, while still able to work together. Libraries are the origin of the same kind of naming problems. Over the past two decades, large software systems have become progressively more dependent on libraries of supporting software. Nearly all software written in contemporary programming languages requires the use of large and complex standard libraries, in addition to application-specific libraries. This widespread use of multiple libraries has necessitated new mechanisms for managing names.
Naming encapsulations define name scopes that assist in avoiding these name conflicts. Each library can create its own naming encapsulation to prevent its names from conflicting with the names defined in other libraries or in client code. Each logical part of a software system can create a naming encapsulation with the same purpose. Naming encapsulations are logical encapsulations, in the sense that they need not be contiguous. Several different collections of code can be placed in the same namespace, even though they are stored in different places.