Expressions are the fundamental means of specifying computations in a programming language. It is crucial for a programmer to understand both the syntax and semantics of expressions of the language being used. To understand expression evaluation, it is necessary to be familiar with the orders of operator and operand evaluation. The operator evaluation order of expressions is dictated by the associativity and precedence rules of the language. The essence of the imperative programming languages is the dominant role of assignment statements. The purpose of these statements is to cause the side effect of changing the values of variables, or the state, of the program. So an integral part of all imperative languages is the concept of variables whose values change during program execution.
Arithmetic Expressions
Automatic evaluation of arithmetic expressions similar to those found in mathematics, science, and engineering was one of the primary goals of the first high-level programming languages. Most of the characteristics of arithmetic expressions in programming languages were inherited from conventions that had evolved in mathematics. In programming languages, arithmetic expressions consist of operators, operands, parentheses, and function calls. An operator can be unary, meaning it has a single operand, binary, meaning it has two operands, or ternary, meaning it has three operands. In most programming languages, binary operators are infix, which means they appear between their operands.
The operator precedence rules for expression evaluation partially define the order in which the operators of different precedence levels are evaluated. The operator precedence rules for expressions are based on the hierarchy of operator priorities, as seen by the language designer. The operator precedence rules of the common imperative languages are nearly all the same, because they are based on those of mathematics. In these languages, exponentiation has the highest precedence (when it is provided by the language), followed by multiplication and division on the same level, followed by binary addition and subtraction on the same level.
When an expression contains two adjacent occurrences of operators with the same level of precedence, the question of which operator is evaluated first is answered by the associativity rules of the language. An operator can have either left or right associativity, meaning that when there are two adjacent operators with the same precedence, the left operator is evaluated first or the right operator is evaluated first, respectively.
Programmers can alter the precedence and associativity rules by placing parentheses in expressions. A parenthesized part of an expression has precedence over its adjacent unparenthesized parts. Languages that allow parentheses in arithmetic expressions could dispense with all precedence rules and simply associate all operators left to right or right to left. The programmer would specify the desired order of evaluation with parentheses. This approach would be simple because neither the author nor the readers of programs would need to remember any precedence or associativity rules. The disadvantage of this scheme is that it makes writing expressions more tedious, and it also seriously compromises the readability of the code.
Conditional Expressions
if-then-else statements can be used to perform a conditional expression assignment. Conditional expressions can be used anywhere in a program (in a C-based language) where any other expression can be used. In addition to the C-based languages, conditional expressions are provided in Perl, JavaScript, and Ruby.
Operand Evaluation Order
A less commonly discussed design characteristic of expressions is the order of evaluation of operands. Variables in expressions are evaluated by fetching their values from memory. Constants are sometimes evaluated the same way. In other cases, a constant may be part of the machine language instruction and not require a memory fetch. If an operand is a parenthesized expression, all of the operators it contains must be evaluated before its value can be used as an operand. If neither of the operands of an operator has side effects, then operand evaluation order is irrelevant. Therefore, the only interesting case arises when the evaluation of an operand does have side effects.
Overloaded Operators
Arithmetic operators are often used for more than one purpose. For example, + usually is used to specify integer addition and floating-point addition. Some languages—Java, for example—also use it for string catenation. This multiple use of an operator is called operator overloading and is generally thought to be acceptable, as long as neither readability nor reliability suffers.
As an example of the possible dangers of overloading, consider the use of the ampersand (&) in C++. As a binary operator, it specifies a bitwise logical AND operation. As a unary operator, however, its meaning is totally different. As a unary operator with a variable as its operand, the expression value is the address of that variable. In this case, the ampersand is called the address-of operator.
Type Conversions
Type conversions are either narrowing or widening. A narrowing conversion converts a value to a type that cannot store even approximations of all of the values of the original type.
For example, converting a double to a float in Java is a narrowing conversion, because the range of double is much larger than that of float. A widening conversion converts a value to a type that can include at least approximations of all of the values of the original type. For example, converting an int to a float in Java is a widening conversion. Widening conversions are nearly always safe, meaning that the magnitude of the converted value is maintained. Narrowing conversions are not always safe— sometimes the magnitude of the converted value is changed in the process.
Coercion in Expressions
One of the design decisions concerning arithmetic expressions is whether an operator can have operands of different types. Languages that allow such expressions, which are called mixed-mode expressions, must define conventions for implicit operand type conversions because computers do not have binary operations that take operands of different types. Type conversions explicitly requested by the programmer are referred to as explicit conversions, or casts, not coercions. Although some operator symbols may be overloaded, we assume that a computer system, either in hardware or in some level of software simulation, has an operation for each operand type and operator defined in the language.
Explicit Type Conversion
Most languages provide some capability for doing explicit conversions, both widening and narrowing. In some cases, warning messages are produced when an explicit narrowing conversion results in a significant change to the value of the object being converted.
Error in Expressions
A number of errors can occur during expression evaluation. If the language requires type checking, either static or dynamic, then operand type errors cannot occur. The errors that can occur because of coercions of operands in expressions have already been discussed. The other kinds of errors are due to the limitations of computer arithmetic and the inherent limitations of arithmetic. The most common error occurs when the result of an operation cannot be represented in the memory cell where it must be stored. This is called overflow or underflow, depending on whether the result was too large or too small. One limitation of arithmetic is that division by zero is disallowed. Of course, the fact that it is not mathematically allowed does not prevent a program from attempting to do it. Floating-point overflow, underflow, and division by zero are examples of run-time errors, which are sometimes called exceptions.
Relational Expressions
A relational operator is an operator that compares the values of its two operands. A relational expression has two operands and one relational operator. The value of a relational expression is Boolean, except when Boolean is not a type included in the language. The relational operators are often overloaded for a variety of types. The operation that determines the truth or falsehood of a relational expression depends on the operand types. It can be simple, as for integer operands, or complex, as for character string operands. Typically, the types of the operands that can be used for relational operators are numeric types, strings, and ordinal types.
Boolean Expressions
Boolean expressions consist of Boolean variables, Boolean constants, relational expressions, and Boolean operators. The operators usually include those for the AND, OR, and NOT operations, and sometimes for exclusive OR and equivalence. Boolean operators usually take only Boolean operands (Boolean variables, Boolean literals, or relational expressions) and produce Boolean values. In the mathematics of Boolean algebras, the OR and AND operators must have equal precedence. In accordance with this, Ada’s AND and OR operators have equal precedence. However, the C-based languages assign a higher precedence to AND than OR. Perhaps this resulted from the baseless correlation of multiplication with AND and of addition with OR, which would naturally assign higher precedence to AND.
Short Circuit Evaluation
A short-circuit evaluation of an expression is one in which the result is determined without evaluating all of the operands and/or operators. In the C-based languages, the usual AND and OR operators, && and ||, respectively, are short-circuit. However, these languages also have bitwise AND and OR operators, & and |, respectively, that can be used on Boolean-valued operands and are not short-circuit. Of course, the bitwise operators are only equivalent to the usual Boolean operators if all operands are restricted to being either 0 (for false) or 1 (for true).
Simple Assignment Statements
Nearly all programming languages currently being used use the equal sign for the assignment operator. All of these must use something different from an equal sign for the equality relational operator to avoid confusion with their assignment operator.
Compound Assignment Operators
A compound assignment operator is a shorthand method of specifying a commonly needed form of assignment. The form of assignment that can be abbreviated with this technique has the destination variable also appearing as the first operand in the expression on the right side. Compound assignment operators were introduced by ALGOL 68, were later adopted in a slightly different form by C, and are part of the other C-based languages, as well as Perl, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. The syntax of these assignment operators is the catenation of the desired binary operator to the = operator.
Unary Assignment Operators
The C-based languages, Perl, and JavaScript include two special unary arithmetic operators that are actually abbreviated assignments. They combine increment and decrement operations with assignment. The operators ++ for increment, and –– for decrement, can be used either in expressions or to form stand-alone single-operator assignment statements. They can appear either as prefix operators, meaning that they precede the operands, or as postfix operators, meaning that they follow the operands.
Assignment as an Expression
In the C-based languages, Perl, and JavaScript, the assignment statement produces a result, which is the same as the value assigned to the target. It can therefore be used as an expression and as an operand in other expressions. This design treats the assignment operator much like any other binary operator, except that it has the side effect of changing its left operand. The disadvantage of allowing assignment statements to be operands in expressions is that it provides yet another kind of expression side effect. This type of side effect can lead to expressions that are difficult to read and understand. An expression with any kind of side effect has this disadvantage. Such an expression cannot be read as an expression, which in mathematics is a denotation of a value, but only as a list of instructions with an odd order of execution.
Mixed-Mode Assignment
Frequently, assignment statements also are mixed mode. Fortran, C, C++, and Perl use coercion rules for mixed-mode assignment that are similar to those they use for mixed-mode expressions; that is, many of the possible type mixes are legal, with coercion freely applied.7 Ada does not allow mixed-mode assignment. In a clear departure from C++, Java and C# allow mixed-mode assignment only if the required coercion is widening.8 So, an int value can be assigned to a float variable, but not vice versa. Disallowing half of the possible mixed-mode assignments is a simple but effective way to increase the reliability of Java and C#, relative to C and C++. Of course, in functional languages, where assignments are just used to name values, there is no such thing as a mixed-mode assignment.